[🎙] THIS is what your skin tells you, guaranteed wellness tip !

Posted by CĂ©line Founder & Chief Alchemist at Anato ⚘ on

EPISODE 2. The skin as your wellness ally: a reflection of what is going on inside. 

The skin is a reflection of every aspect of our lives: our diet, mindset, stress levels, hormone balance, traumas etc. 

In this episode 2 of the WELLNESS CONSIDERATIONS podcast, I show you how and why you have a powerful external barometer for what is going on inside the body and hone in on the mind-skin, gut-skin connection. Instead of using concealer to cover up liver spots, using blush to liven up a dull complexion, applying anti-itch cream to eczema or lasering off ruby angiomas: we should be thanking our skin for what it has to show us about our health.  

We should be grateful that our largest organ, visible to the naked eye, reveals how we can adapt and THRIVE.

In this podcast I cover: 

  ✿ A broad overview of the skin 
  ✿ How the brain, gut, skin are connected 
  ✿ A closer look at 3 common skin ‘problems’: acne, rosacea and eczema 
  ✿ Other skin afflictions, including those associated with ‘aging skin’: brown spots, dry skin and wrinkles and how they might be addressed with a holistic approach.



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